Residential & Day Camps
Residential Camps
The objectives of residential camps are to bring young persons living with type 1 diabetes [YPLWT1D] together to make new friendship, create lasting bonds. This encourages self confidence and to think positively by shedding the inhibitions and fears through interaction and shared lived experiences. Sharing and caring improves self- monitoring and increases wellbeing. Enhanced self confidence and motivation encourages them to integrate better into the community. It is important to see how others manage their the same illness, share ways to shed the heavy burden of illness and realize that they too can lead a normal life like any other. Now YPLWT1Ds use the NDC as a home away from home where they get together often to meet and celebrate special occassions such as their birthdays.

Day Camps For the PLWT1Ds of the Insulin Bank
Main objectives of the day camps are to improve education and awareness and assist YPLWT1D to be productive members of the society. It motivates them to improve their control to be free of complications and thereby improve their quality of life. Enhancing self confidence helps them to integrate and face stigma and discrimination in society in a positive manner.