Important notice to the General Public: BIADIT Sri Lanka is purportedly advertising online indicating that DASL endorses a drug named BIADIT. Please note that we have NOT endorsed this drug and we are unaware of the efficacy of this product.


  • Wijesuriya et al., 2019. Characteristics of Insulin Registry Patients with Type 1 Diabetes in Sri Lanka. Journal of Diabetology. | Volume: 10 | Issue Number: 1 | Page: 37-40 – Read More
  • Wijesuriya et al., 2017, A pragmatic lifestyle modification programme reduces the incidence of predictors of cardio-metabolic disease and dysglycemia in a young healthy urban South Asian population: a randomized controlled trial, BMC Medicine 15:146. – Read More
  • Wijesuriya et al., 2014. A low cost primary prevention tool: effects of non pharmacological lifestyle modification in prevention of type 2 diabetes mellitus in young urban Sri Lankan – “DIABRISK-SL”. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. Vol 106, Supplement 1: S25-S26. – Read More
  • Wijesuriya, et al.,2012. High Prevalence of Cardio-Metabolic Risk Factors in a Young Urban SriLankan Population. PLoS ONE 7(2): e31309. – Read More
  • Wijesuriya et al., 2012. Association of chronic complications of type 2 diabetes with the biochemical and physical estimations in subjectsattending single visit screening for complications. Journal of Diabetology, 3(1). – Read More
  • Wijesuriya et al., 2011. DIABRISK – SL Prevention of cardio-metabolic disease with life style modification in young urban Sri Lankan’s – study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials, 12:209 – Read More
  • Guess et al., 2016. Improvements in stage of change correlate to changes in dietary intake and clinical outcomes in a 5-year lifestyle intervention in young high-risk Sri Lankans. Preventive Medicine 90, 193–200. – Read More
  • Guess et al., 2016. The effect of dietary changes on distinct components of the metabolic syndrome in a young Sri Lankan population at high risk of CVD. British Journal of Nutrition, 116, 719–727. – Read More
  • Karalliedde et al., 2014. Effect of lifestyle modification on the prevention of type 2 diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance in a young healthy urban South Asian population. Diabetologia 57.